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Solo: A Star Wars Story Monopoly Board Game

$29.99 $24.99

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SKU: 6054901150497713 Categories: , ,

Monopoly on the Millennium Falcon Getting tired of the same old locations in Monopoly? Tired of Boardwalk? How about changing that with the Millennium Falcon? Think Park Place is old and boring? How about the Kessel Run? Maybe you’d rather obtain a monopoly over the Spice Mines and the Landing Platform instead of the humdrum streets of the normal game. Then it sounds like the Han Solo Monopoly game from Hasbro is exactly the thing you need to revitalize your love of the classic board game! Fun Details This Star Wars Solo Monopoly Game is an officially licensed game that mixes the gameplay of classic Monopoly with the new film from the Star Wars franchise. It comes with a variety of themed game pieces, including a magnificent Lando Calrissian game piece! Of course, it also comes with a Han Solo piece, Chewbacca piece, and a Qi’ra piece, but that Lando piece! Let’s just say he’s a million times better than any thimble! Cards, fake money, a pair of dice and small house pieces are also included. The game plays very similarly to the classic game, just with a fun new facelift. Smuggle Your Way to Victory Now you can finally prove who the best smuggler in the galaxy is! You just need to wheel and deal better than your opponents!




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