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Make Your Own Bath Bomb Science Kit

  • TOYS THAT TEACH: This kit from MindWare makes it easy and safe to learn about the unique chemical reactions that occur when making and using your own fizzy and fragrant bath bombs.
  • EDUCATIONAL AND FUN: This hand-on kit offers multiple recipe options to experiment with, giving you options for different sizes, colors and scents, and even the ability to create a super bath bomb for ultimate fizzy fun.
  • GUIDE BOOK: The colorful detailed guide booklet includes step-by-step instructions, helpful hints when experimenting and fine points on the chemistry behind bath bombs!
  • INCLUDES: sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, cornstarch, glycerin, two measuring beakers, bath bomb molds, two pairs of laboratory gloves, goggles, spoon, two bottles of liquid coloring, vanilla fragrance, three stirring sticks, bamboo stick, two balloons, balloon ties and pipette. (Ages 8 and up)


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